Home Personal Success How to Build a Healthy Self-Image

How to Build a Healthy Self-Image

Healthy self-image
Believe in yourself.

We can be the greatest roadblock to our success.  A negative self-image oftentimes, sabotages our success even before we get going.  For some reason, many of us believe that we cannot be successful or we don’t deserve success.  Well, this is bunk!

Our Failures are Due to an Unhealthy Self-Image

Often, failures in life are due to our self-image – how we view who we are.  I’ve written on this subject before, but because it is so important, I can’t emphasize it enough.  One key way to build a healthier self image-one where you will feel good about yourself and set about being successful-is to take the time to break yourself from the faulty beliefs that you have built up overtime.

We all have them. Sometimes we get them because we believe that we don’t measure up.  Sometimes others do a fair amount of damage to our self image.  Parents, friends, relatives, teachers, associates, employers, all pile trash onto our belief structure.  And we allow it to stick and define who we are and what we are to become.  Don’t believe all that crap.  You can measure up – to anyone.  No one is better than you.  There are things that you can do  well,  that no one in the world can do as good as you.  So keep that in mind.  Take out that trash, put it on the curb and let the refuse collectors take it away forever.  Don’t buy into those delimiting beliefs.  Don’t put a governor on your progress or success.  Take the first step, today, and rid your mind of all that built up, untrue, trash.

Set yourself on a path to success by adjusting the way you think about yourself and how you view the world.   Remember, there is good in you.  Remind yourself of that daily.   Others will see it right away!

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