Home Career Continuous Improvement – Sharpen the Saw!

Continuous Improvement – Sharpen the Saw!

Continuous Improvement

Continous Improvement is important. You should never stop learning.  In the timeless classic, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, by Stephen Covey, in the seventh habit, he writes about continually improving yourself – Sharpen the Saw.  Since the book first debuted, this hasn’t changed.  No one knows it all. And, there isn’t some magical goal line that you one day you cross that signifies that you’ve learned everything you can learn. In any job, career, or worthwhile endeavor, it is important that you continue to learn and become even better. So, While you are growing your career (or even searching for a job) take time today to improve yourself and sharpen your saw.  There are lots of greats ways to do this. 

Go to the Library

I know that it is hard to believe, but there is this place called the Public Library!  Most communities have one.  In fact, in larger cities they have branches all over town.  Excuse my humor, but oftentimes we forget about the library.  It continues to offer a wealth of resources – all for free.  You just have to check out, read or watch it, and then give it back.   It’s that simple.   

If you don’t have a library card, I encourage you to go out and get one.  They are easy to get and having one will expose you to a wealth of information.  Plus, it will get you out of the house!

Seriously, not only can you find information on millions of subjects at the library, you’ll also be able to find job resources as well.   Finding a job is serious work.  And to do so, you’ll need to know how.  The library will have all the books and articles you need on how to find a job or how to make your qualifications more attractive for future career opportunities.  

And if you are the homebody type, most libraries offer electronic books and resources – but you’ll still need a library card!  So, go get one.  Today.  

Take a MasterClass!

A MasterClass is a great way to improve yourself both professionally and personally. They are very affordable and their subscription model allows the student to take advantage of as many classes as they wish during the year. Best of all, they are taught by very notable professionals in their respective careers.

Do you want to learn to write more effectively? Let Malcolm Gladwell teach you how.

Effective leadership? Easy. Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks has you covered.

The point is simple. At MasterClass, there are classes just for you. Check them out.

Use Google Alerts 

Google has this great thing called Google Alerts.  What you can do, is go to the Alerts page (https://www.google.com/alerts) and sign your Google account, and then add different content that you are interested in seeing on the web.  And anytime Google finds an article pertinent to that search query, it will send you an email, along with the links to the article.  It is a great way to keep up-to-date on content that is of interest to you. To embark on a path of continuous improvement, you have to always find fresh sources from which to learn. Google Alerts can help you do that.

Use the Web to Keep Up To Date on Your Industry

Things are constantly changing.  If you are committed to continuous improvement, you’ll want to change with it. No industry or business remains static.  Make sure that you are reading articles that impact your industry.  In addition, check the websites of some of your target companies and see what type of news releases they are posting.  And don’t forget to review quarterly and annual reports, they are a wealth of information.  


With everything going digital, we tend to forget about the newspaper.  While every major news service in the country offer digital access to their content, most of the major newspaper still publish a printed version.  While it is easier to get the digital version, understand that most newspapers require you to pay a small monthly fee to subscribe to their digital content. Or, they limit the amount of articles you can read for free.  So, if you are following more than one periodical it can get costly.  

So, go to the library and read the newspapers for free. Focus in on the business section.  While some newspapers sill offer classified ads, the employment sections have shrunk considerably.  There are better sources for that.  Also, don’t limit yourself to just the business section.  Read the whole newspaper!  

Free Training  

There is a lot of free training available!  Always take advantage of it.  If you happen to be unemployed, and have signed up for unemployment benefits, most states offer access to free training.  

It has never been easier to find a new skill or profession.  And what’s incredible is that you can do it for free.  

Apple still offers the iTune U service as a part of their iTunes app.  With the new changes announced in September of 2019, it is still unknown as to the future of this service, but many of the major universities in the world, offer free classes and lectures through this service.  

Google has learning program.  It is called Grow With Google and offers certification and free training in a number of different areas.  

And of course there is Wikipedia – the encyclopedia  for the digital ages.  There is a wealth of content and information available.  Also, there is a service with Wikipedia that allows you to collate a bunch of articles into a book, which you can download as a PDF.  

Free eBooks

Back to the public library!  Yes, your public library probably offers a free ebook service through their online portal.  Powered by Overdrive,  there are literally thousands of ebooks available through your public library. To read them, you need to make sure that you have Adobe Digital Editions on your computer, or download the Meet Libby app from the App Store or from Google Play.   And of course, you’ll need a valid library card from your local library.   

While there are thousands of books available, you will have only access to those books that your library has purchased.  Also, the books have due dates and once your loan duration has expired, the book will be returned to the library for other users to check out.   Finally, if there is a book that you want to read and it has been checked out, you can put a hold on the title and you will be notified when it is available for checkout. 

Download the Classics for Free!

Sometimes you just want to read a good book!  And what better way to do that than harkening back to one of the great works of literature.  Through Project Gutenberg, you can download thousands of classics that you can read on your computer, phone or iPad.  Project Gutenberg is a non-Profit organization that is taking the time to digitize many of the classics whose copyrights have expired.  

Finally, if you do happen to get certified in other areas, or pick up relevant skill sets, make sure that you update your resume and your LinkedIn profile.  Employers need to know this! 

As you can see, there are many free services and resources available that you can use to build up your qualifications.  Take advantage of those.  Throughout your career, always, embark on a path of education and continuous improvement.