Home Personal Success Focus: Developing Successful Habits

Focus: Developing Successful Habits


One of the best books that I have ever read and continually refer to as a reference,  is “The Power of Focus” by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt.  The book provides an excellent guide on how to hit your business, personal and financial targets by using a 10-step program of change.  The first step on the program (referred to as “Focusing Strategy” by the authors) deals with habits.  Canfield and company tell us that our habits will determine our future.  In fact they write that “SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE HAVE SUCCESSFUL HABITS.”  Our habits today, will determine our future. 

The Power of Focus!

Fortunately, the authors give us a guide on identifying bad habits.  They also give us a nice process on how to change bad habits to good habits, which leads to positive rewards.  In book, they write some common habits that might be holding us back:

  • Not returning phone calls on time.
  • Being late for meetings and appointments.
  • Poor communication between colleagues and staff.
  • A lack of clarity about expected outcomes, monthly targets, goals, etc.
  • Failure to allow for  enough travel time for outside appointments.
  • Not attending to paperwork quickly and efficiently.
  • Handling the mail more than once.
  • Allowing bills to go unpaid resulting in interest penalties
  • Talking instead of listening.
  • Forgetting someone’s name sixty seconds (or less) after being introduced.
  • Hitting the snooze alarm several times in the morning before getting out of bed.
  • Working long days with no exercise or regular breaks.
  • Not spending enough time with your children.

Looking over the list, you may want to take out a pen and spend some time writing down some of your bad habits.  We all have them.  In fact, some people believe that some of them are good, though in actuality, they are bad.   Think about those things that may help you get ahead, but keep you away from your family and friends.  They allow you to miss vacations and holidays, all which you feel that lead to success, but in reality only result in a dysfunctional household, fragmented friendships, and loneliness.

Identify Your Bad Habits and Change Them!

Once you identify what some of your bad habits are you can then put a program together to change them.   We are told in the book it usually takes about 21 days of doing something differently to make a permanent change.  So, whatever habit you want to change you are going to have to commit yourself to doing it the right way for at least 21 days before it becomes permanent.  Believe me, it works.   Changing an unsuccessful habit into a successful habit requires that you:

  1. Clearly identify your bad or unproductive habits.
    The books suggests that when you examine your own bad habits, to consider the long-term implications and to be totally honest with yourself.
  2. Define your new successful habit.
    This is usually just the opposite of the bad habit.  Think about the benefits and rewards that you will receive from changing an unsuccessful habit to an successful one.
  3. Create a three-part action plan.
    Make a decision about specific actions that you are going to implement to change the habit.  Start with one habit that you want to change and then focus on three immediate action steps that you can implement now.  Don’t delay.  Do it now.

Changing bad habits to good habits takes commitment and discipline.  It is going to be tough, but you have to remain focused on doing it.  You will be amazed at the results in your life.