Home General Failure: A Video From Brian Tracy on Why We Fear It

Failure: A Video From Brian Tracy on Why We Fear It

Fear of Failure

Brian Tracy, one of the greatest salespersons of our time, discusses Fear of Failure in this video.    Why we fail is often misunderstood.   People don’t see the underlying message when they fail.  It is there, but most don’t recognize it.  If you are not learning from your lack of successes, or as John Maxwell once wrote, “Failing Forward”, then you are missing valuable lessons.  When we don’t succeed, it offers us a very valuable learning opportunity.  We just need to make sure we recognize why we failed and take corrective actions.

In this video, Brian Tracy discusses our fear of failing and how we can get over that fear.  More importantly, he tells us how we can learn from it.  If you want more information on Brian Tracy, just click on the link below the video.  Enjoy the video.

Brian Tracy Fear of Failure Video

Visit Brian Tracy HERE


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