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Humility and Business


We stand in awe when viewing God’s greatest creations. These awesome creations make us understand our diminutiveness when placed up against the marvels of this wonderful planet. We are amazed when we consider that we have been here for just a brief moment in time compared to the hundreds of millions of years the Earth has existed. And so it goes in nature, there is always something to overwhelm us, to leave us standing breathlessly on the sidelines as we embrace the power and beauty of Mother Nature. While we are amazed by God’s awesome wonders, oftentimes though, we are muted when witnessing the self effacing modesty and humility of our human heroes.

Humility is Profound

Humility is a defining characteristic of a good person. Just as we are amazed by God’s wonderful landscapes and panoramas, we should be equally amazed and admire the greatness of those quiet giants around us. While they shy away from attention and quietly try to steal away into the darkness, eschewing attention and platitudes, many are an everyday part of our lives. Our successes and failures are tied to their support. They may be mothers, fathers, friends, colleagues, business partners, customers and the like. Their goal is to see others succeed.

Humility is Everywhere

Humility is a characteristic of folk in all walks of life.  It is not found only at home, or in our personal lives, it is a common characteristic of both successful business people and effective leaders.  Humility is just as common in the board room as it is in the living room.

Their Humility Defines Them

It’s not difficult to tell your family, friends, colleagues and customers that you appreciate them. We’re not so important, you and I. But those around us, those that support us in our endeavors are the lasting greatness in our lives. They’ll be there, when all others have long gone. So, marvel in their greatness. They’ll shy away from the attention, because it’s their way, but tell them what they mean to you and how they’ve helped to make your life better. You are who you are because of them, not in spite of them. They continue to champion you, so, be sure to always champion them. Simply put, it is their quiet humility that makes them special people in our lives.