Home Leadership Leadership: Newly Revised 21 Irrefutable Laws

Leadership: Newly Revised 21 Irrefutable Laws

Leadership 21 Irrefutable Laws
Soldiers Leading

A few years ago,  John Maxwell revised and updated his New York Time’s best selling book, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.” For those that think this is just a small rewrite of his original book, they will be surprised to find out that over 75% of the book has been updated. The following video presents Maxwell as he discusses his new book and the two new laws he has included.

Newly Revised 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership


This is not just another rewrite, but a major overhaul.  John Maxwell discusses that though this revision still includes twenty one laws, he has taken two of the existing laws and then rolled them into two related laws.  :

1) The Law of Addition – We add value to people by serving them.

2) The Law of the Picture – People do what people see. It’s all about the example we set – we must live the life that we teach.

For more information on the new, revised 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, simply click on the link below!

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