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The Key to Success

The Key to Success

Is there one key to success?  Is there something that we can all do to assure success?  Or is it a combination of things?  Is it some big secret that is meant to be elusive and only apparent to the few?  Or is it right there, in front of us, but we just don’t recognize it?  Well, I think the latter because one thing is for sure, it is not a secret.  It’s right there in front of us.  We just have to reach out, grab it, and make it a part of our lives.

There is no one “key” to success.  There are many.  But if you really want to have one critical key to implement in your life and that will have immediate results, then look no further than that suggested by Zig Ziglar.  Mr. Ziglar once said that you can have anything in life you want as long as you help enough people get what they want.  And really, that is what life is all about – helping others get what they want.  As you go forward from here, remember these words.  Life is about helping others.  This one lesson will assure you years of success.

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