Home Career Making A Career Move? Sometimes it Just Takes Confidence!

Making A Career Move? Sometimes it Just Takes Confidence!

Confidence - Don't Fear Failure!

Have you ever wanted to make a move and though every bit of your being was convinced that it was the right thing to do, you failed to take the first step? Lack of confidence in your decision making or abilities can sometimes hinder your success.

Albert had worked in consumer packaged goods his entire career.  And then, in 2014, after thirty years and one month working in sales, his employer laid him off.  He was told his position had been eliminated. 

Fortunately, Albert had anticipated it would happen.  So, he wasn’t caught by surprise, but still, he was scared and confused.  So, after a couple of days working through his new status, he signed up for unemployment and set about finding himself another job.  He had thousands of contacts and leads so he jumped right into his job search with the same energy as when he was on the job.  

After months of searching and watching his savings dwindle away to almost nothing, he knew he had to do something soon.  The job market in his geography wasn’t very healthy.  Despite his ongoing diligence, he just couldn’t find an opportunity.  After all the resumes, cover letters and interviews he had nothing to show.  He didn’t get one offer in nearly a year. 

Albert Lacked Confidence!

He had some friends in another state where the job market was pretty healthy.  During his search they often reached out to him hoping that they could persuade Albert to pack up and relocate.  And despite the fact that his financial situation was becoming more bleak by the day, he hesitated.  Something within him just wouldn’t allow him to make the move.  He discussed it with his family and they too, were in agreement with others – Albert should move!

Albert called a good friend of his who live in Chicago.  He explained the situation to her.  She simply said, “Al, you’ve got everything you need to move.  It just seems to me that you lack the confidence.”

Don’t Allow Fear to Stop You!

He thought about what she said and immediately jumped into research mode.  He read everything that he could about confidence.  He realized that fear was keeping him from making the move.  Once he diagnosed his problem, it was a simple matter for him to put a plan of action into place to placate his fear of the unknown.  And while the prospect of moving across country still scared him, he decided he would no longer allow fear to dictate his every move.  

Albert packed his household furnishing, rented a truck and flatbed trailer, and moved all of his belongings across the country.  Within one month after arriving in his new home he found a great job with excellent pay and benefits.  

If you lack the confidence to make that move, do something about it.  Perhaps the move is as big as Albert’s or maybe something that you’ve been wanting to do for a long time  – a change of career or starting your own business.  Whatever it is, if you’ve done your homework and research, don’t allow fear to have the final word.  Find that self confidence and make the change you are looking for in your life happen!