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Self Image: Change The Way You Look at Yourself

Self Confidence

Every now and then you run across a quote, saying, or piece of work that tells it all. Recently, I have revisited and begun to re-read the the original Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. If you have not read this work, you are missing out on a good read. In his book, Maxwell tells us that most, if not all, of who we are is a product of how we view ourselves. He calls this our self image.

While the book is filled with all types of excellent advice, one paragraph in the book really struck me as being of particular interest. And this paragraph alone, has the power within it, if adopted by you, to really change your life for the better.


In the book Maxwell attributes the following quote to Dr. Leslie D. Weatherhead. Dr. Weatherhead wrote, in his book, “Prescription for Anxiety”, the following:

“If . . . we have in our minds a picture of ourselves as fear-haunted and defeated nobodies, we must get rid of that picture at once and hold up our heads. That is a false picture and the false must go. God sees us as men and women in whom and through whom He can do a great work. He sees us as already serene, confident, and cheerful. He sees us not as pathetic victims of life, but masters of the art of living; not wanting sympathy, but imparting help to others, and therefore thinking less and less of ourselves, and full, not of self-concern, but of love and laughter and a desire to serve. . . . Let us look at the real selves which are in the making the moment we believe in their existence. We must recognize the possibility of change and believe in the self we are now in the process of becoming. That old sense of unworthiness and failure must go. It is false and we are not to believe in what is false.”

I could write all day on what is written above. But I won’t because it is self-explanatory. But what I do encourage you to do is to read it. Print it out, tape it on your refrigerator, on your mirror, and read it daily. Few things are more powerful than your self image. Change the way you think about yourself and change your life!

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