Home Career USAJOBS – Jobs with the Federal Government

USAJOBS – Jobs with the Federal Government

USA Jobs

Everyone goes to Linkedin, Monster, Indeed, and the like to start their job searches.  But, did you know, the United States Government, has their own career website that is full of opportunities here in the United States and abroad?  I first became aware of USAJOBS back in 2014.  I had this notion that after thirty-plus years in the business world, that I could take my skillsets and find a job working for the federal government, overseas.  

It was great timing, as I was unemployed.  I figured I would go out to the site, search those wonderful foreign locations, and come up with some wonderful country, work a few years, and skid into retirement.  

Many Jobs are Listed

Of course, it wasn’t that easy, though I did find that there are lots of jobs out at USAJOBS.  More importantly, the site was all inclusive and gave tons of good information on how people from all walks of life can find employment with the federal government.   

They also recruit in a variety of different areas – our government is indeed inclusive. Listed on the site are jobs and resources for different eligibilities:

There is this myth that working for the government is reserved only for those with advanced degrees and willing to work in clandestine type of environments throughout the world.  That’s not the case.  It doesn’t matter what your education level, or skill level, there are jobs of all types available with our government.   

Opportunities From Around the World

For instance, at the very top of their web page is a search field where you can specify key words for the type of jobs that interest you.  Then you can plug in a country – typically USA, but, our government has job opportunities around the globe.  I plugged in Italy and found a variety of jobs, including highly skilled professions, like a physician, along with jobs that don’t require a great deal of education, like food service worker.  

The bottom line here is that there are a lot of jobs out there.  Why don’t you take a less than traditional approach to your job search and career and see what type of resources are available there.  You can visit them here.